David Hoese

Results 933 comments of David Hoese

I think using `.load()` would go against what we generally try to do in Satpy which is to delay loading data until it is actually being computed.

I've never actually used `geopandas` so I'm not sure of the overlap, but would having `geopandas` as an optional dependency for geoxarray or rioxarray make sense? My hope is to...

It would be nice if our three libraries (if they stay as 3) could use the same naming and object types for coordinate variables at least. I see `crs` an...

Not being familiar with the code, I'm not confident I can give **the** right answer, but I have some guesses: Try adding a transform to the markers like an STTransform...

That should do something, what if you make it `-100`?

I won't have the time to investigate your code in-depth (currently having trouble staying afloat with my own work). If you could find a way to make this example as...

Could you please provide a full minimal example script that shows the issue? It will make it easier for me to debug what's going on and may reveal something when...

@Kusefiru Nice catch. That is probably the issue. `signal_figure` is getting data added to it, but it is not a child of `signal_widget` so Qt (or whatever backend this is)...

@kingauthur Even though this issue is 4 years old, it seems like this is still an issue. We could definitely copy what the panzoom camera is doing and copy: ```python...

Sorry for the late reply, I've been out sick. I don't necessarily have a problem adding the `mode` keyword argument, but I'm curious what your use case is? What do...