django-contrib-comments icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-contrib-comments copied to clipboard

Results 27 django-contrib-comments issues
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Add possibility to change target object key field by `COMMENTS_ID_OVERRIDES` settings, e.g.: ```python COMMENTS_ID_OVERRIDES = { 'assets.Asset': 'asset_uuid', } ``` I have model with `id` field as PK and want...

With this commit I managed to solve this problem:

As discussed in issue #82 a classed based view would ease the task of customize the post_comment view. I took the effort and rebuild the logic of the post_comment view...

I turned on comment notification for moderation on a model and got the following error: django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: comments/comment_notification_email.txt So I made my own and added this: {{comment}} Hoping that I could...

Hi, I was just wondering if there are any plans to migrate `post_comment` function to class based views? I am customizing `django-contrib-comments` to allow for file uploads and will need...

It appears from looking at the code that I should be able to do something like: ``` Flag comment ``` But when I'm on the "Really flag this comment?" page,...

When a user flags a post, he/she is often given a form to fill out `why` he/she is flagging it for removal. I think this is such a common case...