Dannes Wessels
Dannes Wessels
Note that some browsers do not allow to copy data to the clipboard..... Please verify what applies for your browser ....
XQuery .xqm files transferred to eXist-db using WebDAV are not searchable in "Edit -> Find in files"
I have seen in 6.x similar issues where the find function does to search all xquery code; As a result I removed too many functions resulting in a broken app...
I have a few apps where I use an updated version of bootstrap and jquery , all installed in my XAR files in a collection called 'resources' aside some css...
@wshager that helps; since eXist-db is an Native XML database, by design when a document cannot be recognized, there is an attempt to write it as an XML file.
There is something alike on database level; I am not aware how the relation is with eXide though. I did not verify it manually but it might help you. ```...
hmmm I think the consensus is to ditch DOJO in exist in general
Please could you elaborate on - what xslt support means for you - what do you mean with “"Function doc" feature for standard and custom functions;” I don’t understand sorry....
It is easy to reproduce.... I'll think how to do
disable triggers -> breaks stuff ?