Dannes Wessels
Dannes Wessels
I think/know there are a lot of (potential) issues with Java18, as discussed, we need to change code in order to be able run eXist-db on newer versions of Java....
@dependabot rebase
dependabot rebase
do the warnings trigger the build failure?
hmmm what would the base-uri be? 'xmldb:exist:///db' ? I guess that would make all/many XQTS tests fail :-/
it reduces the file i/o for smaller files that are uploaded; normally the buffer is 32k or so;
It could be this was added due a bug in the library.....
I deep-dived in the history. Initially I thought that this threshold was set to 0 because of[ several issues we faced in the years](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FILEUPLOAD-41?jql=project%20%3D%20FILEUPLOAD%20AND%20text%20~%20threshold%20ORDER%20BY%20cf%5B12310220%5D%20ASC); but I am wrong the code...
I have no preference; I think this zero-tuning is really not needed, and should not be there. But I hear adam's argument...
still makes sense for v6 ; not required for v7 and beyond