
Results 4 issues of dirux0101

Hello. I want to use the location information (/orb_slam2_mono/pose topic) from ORB SLAM2 rviz. I want to change the displayed location information to metric, but I don't know how to...

HI. I know that the SaveKeyFrameTrajectory.txt file is created using the SaveKeyFrameTrajectory function in ORB_SLAM3. However, what if you want to display the trajectory coordinate values ​​in real time? I...

Hello, I calibrated realsense D455 using Kalibr, but the value did not come out well. I'm wondering if the method was wrong during the correction process. The topics of imu,...


Hello, While trying to build, I found a MAKE error and upgraded the OpenCV version to 4.4.0. After that, when I tried to build again, this error appeared again. What's...