Dino Rodriguez
Dino Rodriguez
@mkaufma @pokoli Also having the same issue. I'm using PapaParse for writing multiple times to the same file (e.g. streaming writes).
Similarly, it seems if I try to run `hardhat typechain` to just generate the types I need, that command is overriden by foundry and only attempts to compile the contract....
One suggestion here might be to add a flag for compilation and testing. Something like `npx hardhat compile --forge` instead of directly overwriting these commands. But I'm open to any...
@selwin Here is the way I am retrieving jobs: ``` def retrieve_jobs(queue_name: str) -> None: queue = Queue(queue_name, connection=_connection) for job in queue.failed_job_registry.get_job_ids(): job = queue.fetch_job(job) _logger.info(job) ``` And this...
@selwin I think this is still happening - I'm on 1.15 and I'm seeing this happen (None type jobs popping up in my failed queue with no information)
May be worth re-opening this issue in that case?
I'm seeing the same thing as well as of a couple days ago. No problems running slither locally, just in the action
Ok great, that makes sense.
did you install maturin separately?