Dingquan Yu
Dingquan Yu
Hi, I've freshly installed mmseqs2 and colabfold then running colab_search.py gave me the error: ``` subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '[PosixPath('mmseqs'), 'expandaln', PosixPath('msas/qdb'), PosixPath('/scratch/gchojnowski/dbs/uniref30_2103_db.idx'), PosixPath('msas/res'), PosixPath('/scratch/gchojnowski/dbs/uniref30_2103_db.idx'), PosixPath('msas/res_exp'), '--db-load-mode', '0', '--threads', '64', '--expansion-mode', '0',...
Hi @christinaflo and @jnwei Sorry I forgot to update the unittest for multi-chain permutations after the major updates on the functions. Here I have added necessary steps to prepare fake...
Hi, I've downloaded the pretrained weights and trying to run inference using the ```multimer.unifold.pt``` but it crashed because ```aux_heads.experimentally_resolved.linear.weight``` and ```aux_heads.experimentally_resolved.linear.bias``` are not in the state_dict. I tried both ```multimer_af2```...
Hi, Thanks for the conversion script. It worked on AlphaFold Multimer 2.2.0 but when I run the same command on AlphaFold 2.3.0 I guess that's because AlphaFold changed the layout...
Hi, Thanks for developing this powerful package. When I trained a programme using a batch_size higher than 1, Uni-Core will assert whether the batch_seize is equal to 1 and return...