What about this > We skip adding texture to editor texture hash if user loading the same image file. This will be decided based on the image filename.
@mrdoob Added a properties panel to update the texture. it visible when selecting the texture in the list For now I have only added label's. this is to confirm if...
@mrdoob I have only included the bare minimum props for the texture in the texture panel for now. If you feel something else is needed let me know
If you don't me asking, what would you like to think about.
After this PR I was gonna go for that change as it is. Also just a crazy thought, at some point I thought of creating a generic properties inspector panel....
Added a preview for the texture, not the best UI but does the job.  > Hmm, I need to think about the UX... > > If we do this...
@mrdoob a quick question, why don't we have the assets panel at the bottom on the window ? Is there any reason why all the things are implemented and pushed...
@mrdoob @Mugen87 I have extracted the textures panel code in a separate standalone component, we could do this for the material panel as well and reuse it where ever needed,...
@kamilmysliwiec any update ?