Here is a very crude and quick mockup of the idea for texture panel 
How about having a bottom bar, some sort of assets panel it will solve both the issues with the materials and textures
> Or the a material and textures panels are placed inside the Project tab because they represent in some sense the project's assets. Unity's project window does it the same...
Ok here is something I thought of,  Materials and Textures as a TabbedPanel in the project pane. So the idea is that selecting the texture in the texture list...
@mrdoob I noticed you had disabled the material panel, any specific reason to do this. I am asking coz I am enabling it back again in this PR if its...
Yes we can have that. I am only concerned about storing this data in indexed db, since its going to be huge
Then where do you want to store this data ? Editor class already has a map for the textures, materials and geometries ( Only materials is maintained for now though...
> We skip adding texture to editor texture hash if user loading the same image file. This will be decided based on the image filename. @mrdoob and @Mugen87 any thoughts...
yeah I did feel that as well, I will remove it
I am already using that to store the textures right now