It seems the oauth url is wrong for 0365. https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?client_id=.......
I'm thinking maybe the flag should be more generic. --sops-extra Then we can check for the file extension to decide if it is json or yaml, maybe in the future...
Closing as this can be accomplished by future --set-file option.
Yes thanks, i think that will work great will give it a try. --set-file
I ran into a similar problem. Tracked the problem to the matching of the existing Image that has to match, only tag is allowed to be different. https://github.com/silinternational/ecs-deploy/blob/721099aca6866ffe2ec94bd95afc7cf83c6183e9/ecs-deploy#L365 The `sed`...
Created PR to fix this https://github.com/KeyboardInterrupt/ansible_xlsx_inventory/pull/15
I stumbled here looking for the source of a log message "Found credentials in environment variables" , now it is clear it was probably from boto module.
I added to my .helmignore the following and it resolved the issue. #no need to save secrets.yaml and secrets.yaml.dec in helm history secrets.yaml */*/*/secrets.yam Would this break anything if we...
@kaarolch They went over the 1meg limit, currently with the secrets.yaml excluded back down to 700kb. ``` $ kubectl get secrets sh.helm.release.v1.xxxx-dev.v108 -o yaml | wc 18 33 771221 ```...