
Results 9 comments of Dirk

I think a have the same wrong behaviour with grape 1.3.0. My controller with validations: ```ruby class OrderController < Grape::API rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors do |e| error!({ error: e.full_messages }, 422) end...

Please provide a new binary. I get the same error with the Docker image `ruby:3.3.0-bookworm`: `/usr/local/bundle/gems/wkhtmltopdf-binary- error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file...

@jalaj-hn, `ruby:3.3.0-bullseye` works, but this should be only a temporarily workaround. I have updated all my systems to Debian Bookworm and only wkhtmltopdf prevents the update of the last system.

I get a similar error since I switched from Docker Desktop to [colima](https://github.com/abiosoft/colima) at my MacBook (Ventura 13.3.1). Dive (0.11.0) can not load a local image. Docker version is 24.0.4....

The post of TG-KK in https://github.com/wagoodman/dive/issues/397#issuecomment-1197249019 helped me.

@romanblanco, thank you for the hint. It is better but not like before and not like I need it. The code... ```ruby parameter name: :test_type, in: :query, required: false, schema:...

During my many tries to find a solution, I noticed that the `type: :string` is also not correctly transferred to the JSON: ```ruby parameter name: :test_type, in: :query, type: :string,...

In OpenAPI 3.1 nullable properties should be defined like `type: [:string, :null]` and in OpenAPI 3.0 like `type: :string, nullable: true`. I found a good overview here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48114322

My colleague had the same problem and deleting `~/.colima/_lima/_networks/user-v2` does not helped. The following steps helped: ``` # Install all colima updates brew upgrade # Cleanup whole colima (images, volumes...