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Array[Array[X]]] and Array[Hash[X]]] return wrong indices in errors
Basically the indices of nested arguments are not kept correctly during validation process. It happens both for Hashes and Arrays declared inside another Array.
In the case of Array[Array[X]]
the inner index keeps increasing (in the error messages) suggesting there might be something wrong in the recursion logic of validators -- i.e., it acts as a global count.
Created the following spec to explain the issue (disclaimer: first spec file, not sure if I got it right).
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
describe Grape::Validations::DefaultValidator do
describe '#validate!' do
subject(:validate) { post path, params }
module ValidationsSpec
module DefaultValidatorSpec
class API < Grape::API
rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors do |e|
error!(e.errors.transform_keys! { |key| key.join(',') }, 400)
params do
requires :points, type: Array do
# Following optional can be replaced with requires
optional :location, type: Hash, allow_blank: false do
requires :lat, type: Float, allow_blank: false
requires :lon, type: Float, allow_blank: false
post '/nested-array-hash' do
params do
requires :points, type: Array do
# Following optional can be replaced with requires
optional :location, type: Array, allow_blank: false do
requires :id, type: Fixnum, allow_blank: false
post '/nested-array-array' do
def app
context 'when params are nested inside hash which is inside an array' do
let(:path) { '/nested-array-hash' }
let(:params) {
points: [
{ location: nil },
{ location: { lat: nil, lon: 0.0 } },
{ location: { lat: "string", lon: 0.0 } },
{ location: { lat: 0.0, lon: "string" } },
{ location: { lat: 0.0, lon: nil } },
{ location: nil },
it 'does return a validation error with correct array indices' do
expect(JSON.parse(last_response.body)).to eq(
'points[0][location]' => ['is empty'],
'points[1][location][lat]' => ['is empty'],
'points[2][location][lat]' => ['is invalid'],
'points[3][location][lon]' => ['is invalid'],
'points[4][location][lon]' => ['is empty'],
'points[5][location]' => ['is empty'],
context 'when params are nested inside an array which is inside an array' do
let(:path) { '/nested-array-array' }
let(:params) {
points: [
{ location: [{ id: 0 }, { id: 1 }] }, # valid entry: to shift the indicies
{ location: [{ id: nil }, { id: 0 }] },
{ location: [{ id: 0.0 }, { id: 0 }] },
{ location: [{ id: 0 }, { id: nil }] },
{ location: [{ id: 0 }, { id: 0.0 }] },
{ location: 0 }, # This line creates multiple errors
{ location: nil },
{ location: "" }
it 'does return a validation error with correct array indices' do
expect(JSON.parse(last_response.body)).to eq(
"points[1][location][0][id]" => ["is empty"],
"points[2][location][0][id]" => ["is invalid"],
"points[3][location][1][id]" => ["is empty"],
"points[4][location][1][id]" => ["is invalid"],
"points[5][location]" => ["is invalid"],
"points[6][location]" => ["is empty"],
"points[7][location]" => ["is empty"]
Maybe PR the failing spec? Make sure it's still failing against HEAD.
I think a have the same wrong behaviour with grape 1.3.0.
My controller with validations:
class OrderController < Grape::API
rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors do |e|
error!({ error: e.full_messages }, 422)
resources :orders do
params do
requires :orders, type: Array do
requires :address, type: Hash do
requires :name, type: String, allow_blank: false, desc: 'Name row 1'
optional :name2, type: String, desc: 'Name row 2'
requires :city, type: String, allow_blank: false
requires :positions, type: Array do
requires :quantity, type: Integer, allow_blank: false
requires :article, type: String, allow_blank: false
post do
A request with an array of orders as hashes. First order address's city is empty and in the first order the order quantity type in the first position invalid.
"orders": [
"address": {"name": "John Doe", "city": ""},
"positions": [
{"article": "Article 1", "quantity": [3]},
{"article": "Article 2", "quantity": 1}
"address": {"name": "Marie Smith", "city": "Miami"},
"positions": [
{"article": "Article 1", "quantity": 1},
{"article": "Article 2", "quantity": 1}
The Grape validation errors are:
"error": [
"orders[1][address][city] is empty",
"orders[0][positions][0][quantity] is invalid"
The result for the validation error has the correct indeces for the error in the position, but for the address the wrong one, it is always the last index. Even if there are many orders with errors in their addresses, only the last index is shown.
hey @dblock - I added a failing test for this in #2055. I don't have time to investigate what a fix would look like, but hopefully this can help push this forward.
Thanks for maintaining this project! it's great
Thanks for the test @infiniteluke. Don't hold back if you find that time ;)
Hey @infiniteluke ! Did you find a workaround for this problem? I see this issue is still open and your spec is still in draft. I am experiencing the same difficulties regarding indices not being correct when they get raised as validation errors, and I was wondering if you managed to find a temporary solution. Thanks for writing the spec btw!
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get to this and likely will not have a fix anytime soon as it's not longer a priority for me