Diego Tori
Diego Tori
@crazycodeboy please re-sync your changes with master. Thanks.
@Blacktaler You can mixin `WidgetsBindingObserver` into your `StatefulWidget` that plays your video. Call `WidgetsBinding.instance!.addObserver(this)` in `initState()` and `WidgetsBinding.instance!.removeObserver(this)` in `dispose()`. Then override `didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state)` and based on the incoming `AppLifecycleState`,...
@djsjr looks like the issue was never resolved. If you have a reproducible code sample then we can most certainly review it to determine next steps.
@yjt1216 this is definitely within the domain of `video_player`, since this library is merely a Flutter UI wrapper around `video_player`. Please bring this issue up with the Flutter Team, since...
@Ahmadre any progress on this?
@AhmadFalahian you're gonna have to fork this repo from master like everyone else and then re-submit your changes as a new PR.
@AhmadFalahian Looks like this change needs to be scoped to just the changes to the player. Please fork from master, then re-submit this PR. Thank in advance.
@aslamibnabdulla or @graphicbeacon can you please create a reproducible example project so that I can further diagnose this issue? Thanks in advance.
@J-Dark thank you for creating a reproducible example. Hopefully sometime this week, I'll have to take a look.
I'll end up taking a look, possibly this week. @maherjaafar if you also want to take a look, go for it as well.