Joel Dickson

Results 13 comments of Joel Dickson Perhaps we should start with 3

Autofac support started, will continue netcore later

I think the root cause here is that the unit tests are different. I think what we should do is refactor them to test an abstraction that wraps the container....

Adding some context from slack A suggestion was made to use a background worker to prewarm anything that needs prewarming. Essentially having a central "warmup class" I'm not against people...

So @szaboopeeter you are suggesting we do something like ```csharp [RegisterSingleton] public class MyRepoThatNeedsWarmup : IMyRepoThatNeedsWarmup, IStartupable { // .. } ``` As the approach, so it's just a singleton...

@kchinburarat when is StartAsync Called? It's after app.Run()? Or no?

Thank you Can you please add a unit test too?

After you add unit test come see me and I'll merge and give you a tshirt

Another outcome we want from this is automation around - Detecting breaking contract change on a PR to block or warn (github action or similar automation) - Detecting changes to...