Daniela Huppenkothen
Daniela Huppenkothen
My collaborator @MoritzThomasHuebner implemented a new QPO detection methods based on Gaussian Process modelling in [this repository](https://github.com/MoritzThomasHuebner/QPOEstimation). The method is described in [this paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12716) (currently under review at ApJ). I...
I have a data set where the GTIs are slightly shorter than the data in the FITS file. When I create a light curve and then try to use `Powerspectrum`,...
Using functionality in the stingray.modeling interface throws *lots* of `AstropyDeprecationWarning`s, due to an interface change in astropy v5.1, which exposes some previously private methods as public. This PR adds a...
... because I don't want to load the fits files by hand, so this would be really handy. I will try to make this work.
We need a docs page for this. :)
I think it'd be useful to have a comprehensive tutorial on how to approach dead time, especially with stingray. I am assigning myself to write this some time soon. :)
I'm wondering if more generally, it'd be helpful to have something akin to the "science threads" that e.g. Chandra has for CIAO. I think we implicitly already do in places...
Should try and do some performance tests with pytorch. I'm wondering if there are other recent insights from computer science that could make our code faster/better? Should do a bit...
A bunch of things that I think could improve the modeling interface: - [x] make stingray.modeling compatible with emcee3 (issue #455) - [ ] make sure stingray.modeling supports bounds (issue...
Maybe this would be a good idea. :)