Damian Gryski

Results 276 comments of Damian Gryski

All the connections are pipelined over a single TCP connection, which means we don't have (literally) thousands of network connections to every server across a large cluster topology. That's the...

Step 1 of moving to protobuf v3 is done.

Reducing memory consumption is one thing we're working on at the moment. Reducing the maxBatchSize will help, as that will turn some very large requests that fetch a huge amount...

The `sendGlobsAsIs` and `maxBatchSize` are new and still subject to tuning. It helps query latency in the majority of cases, but the down size is that it can occasionally massively...

https://github.com/praetorian-inc/gokart supports ssa-based taint analysis, and semgrep has experimental support for local analysis.

I have not played with taint analysis.

Also the recently released https://github.com/crillab/gophersat . Here's a post comparing gini and gophersat: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/SE1dNC8N46o/0drzp9jdAQAJ

Since epsilon greedy already has all the time tracking, the 'easiest' way to prototype this is just to directly replace the loop that does the selection that begins "if len(possibleHosts)...

Just realized I never came back to play with this. I still think this change makes sense. Not sure how to test this to see if it actually gives more...

This is fairly straight-forward to add a semgrep or ruleguard rule to make upgrading automatic. OTOH, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer