David Graham

Results 6 comments of David Graham

Because EventTarget is so general, it requires casting in event listeners to use it, so this definition is intentionally specific to only dispatch events on elements. Other target objects can...

This regression was introduced by https://github.com/eligrey/classList.js/commit/6379aea0dc04843b4c1505dfa4e80c06fdc93f45 in #40.

This package works great in React 17 and 18 apps. Any chance of merging this and letting the app ensure version compatibility? The stale version 16 requirement forces the app...

One error in the original SQL is a missing `id` column value that's required because it's defined as `not null`. Does this work for you with the `id` provided? ```js...

When you print the value of your `DATABASE_URL` environment variable, does it look like the following format? If the environment variable hasn't been set for the process, it's likely that...

It looks like this is solved in other libraries. This one will always delegate up to document.