Daniel Golden
Daniel Golden
Hi there, I'm hoping to generate a circular plot to represent a number of data points associated with several selections of genes. Basically, I want to be able to make...
Hi there, I'm continuing to troubleshoot the db-update process for a kraken2 database, and I've hit a wall at the kraken2_build step. The pipeline doesn't throw any errors; it just...
Hi again! My supervisor and I have been troubleshooting our efforts to update the GTDB_release207 pre-made custom database with a selection of genomes from JGI GOLD (see previous issue #29)....
Hi there, I've managed to replicate the Kraken2 database creation process with the toy dataset as described in the ReadMe file, but I've run into a snag doing the same...
Hi there, I'm seeing some unexpected results from an update I recently ran on my kraken2 database. I started with a database drawing on sequence data from ~120,000 genomes, and...