David Gault

Results 187 comments of David Gault

Thanks @NicoKiaru, if you think you have a potential solution feel free to open the PR and we can get it tested against the existing datasets that we have

A further issue has been raised on forum thread https://forum.image.sc/t/some-images-within-a-lif-file-become-garbled/76807/2 In this case the file contains a combination of tiles as individual series and merged images also as separate series....

Do you have any more info on the JPEGCOLOURMODE tag? I can't find any details on it, the TiffSaver here isn't using libtiff for the writing so it may not...

Thanks @jimtalksdata for investigating, that is useful to know!

A similar issue was reported on forum thread https://forum.image.sc/t/bio-formats-color-wrong-for-imagej-images/76021/7 and can reproduced with the sample file provided. With that sample file, we have an OME-TIFF with a LUT and the...

Reopening for investigation following discussion at IDR meeting

Excluding due to failures in jdk17 tests when saving memo files: https://merge-ci.openmicroscopy.org/jenkins/job/BIOFORMATS-test-folder/47958/console

Excluding until the warning PR's have all been merged

An additional report of this issue has been received on forum thread https://forum.image.sc/t/nd2-file-opening-up-as-greyscale-instead-of-correct-colors-in-fiji/88960/5 A sample file reproducing the issue is available at https://zenodo.org/records/10277961?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpZCI6Ijg4YTBkZmZmLTA4ZDctNDFlZi04Mzk5LWQ0YTMwOGE3MzE4ZCIsImRhdGEiOnt9LCJyYW5kb20iOiIzZTA4ZjI2ZDc3N2U5YzBkNzQ3NjhiNDVhNzEzMzBjOSJ9.Vw5Cqek98Sacs87fKlJKujS0o4qP1wt8g7vV4FercXLOa1NoDb8ASdnwFJucMn2B9SH0ywBrs-QKnkOALJKqOA I was able to reproduce the same...

A further report of this issue has been received for stitched files on the forum thread: https://forum.image.sc/t/large-nd2-file-doesnt-open-negativearraysizeexception/54897/10