Dariusz Szut
Dariusz Szut
I have tested this on 12.0.1 and 11.0.2.
Hi @julien looks like it only occurs when the second item is empty. I will try to describe the steps: 1. Type `demo` in a new paragraph 2. Mark the...
@SerheyDolgushev Sorry, in 10 minutes I have days off to the end of the week. I would start looking from here: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui/blob/master/src/bundle/Resources/public/js/alloyeditor/src/plugins/ez-add-content.js#L57
Yes, we should have a fix for this ticket. We cannot merge bugfix which will make a regression on another issue. Currently, I don't have an idea of how to...
I tested this briefly. First what I tested is: >1. Adding image to the list -> http://g.recordit.co/jzciHmG1qX.gif When I add an image, it's added below the list, not in a...
@SerheyDolgushev sorry but it was already explained why we cannot merge it like this. >Of course I can report it separately as follow up, but on this branch, right now,...
I think the goal here was to enable this in 2.5. As far as I know, a customer wanted this? @SylvainGuittard, @konradoboza
Thanks for your contribution. The code itself looks ok. We need to check with our PMs if we want this feature it that way (I remember we have plans for...