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EZP-30732: As an Editor I want be able to add embed/images inside table cells

Open SerheyDolgushev opened this issue 5 years ago • 20 comments

Question Answer
Tickets EZP-30732
Bug fix? no
New feature? yes
BC breaks? no
Tests pass? yes
Doc needed? no
License GPL-2.0

Right not you can add ezembed and ezimage buttons into table/td toolbar:

        td: [ezembed, ezimage]

But they are disabled.


  • [x] Coding standards ($ composer fix-cs)
  • [x] Ready for Code Review

SerheyDolgushev avatar Jul 08 '19 13:07 SerheyDolgushev

sorry, is it something I should have look at?

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 01 '19 13:08 SerheyDolgushev

@SerheyDolgushev yes, I've mentioned two issues in comment above. First one, if you embed an image, you can do nothing more with a table cell (add row/remove column etc.) it is blocked, I don't know if you are ok with that. Second one, if I embed something and add an image it's impossible to save the content. Please, take a look at those bugs.

barbaragr avatar Aug 02 '19 10:08 barbaragr

Depends on https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext/pull/56. We need to merge that PR first, to be able to continue work on this one.

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 07 '19 15:08 SerheyDolgushev

Should I be allowed to put in one cell embed and image? Because embed/image buttons appear only when cell is empty or filled with text. I can't put right now embed item and image at one cell - different menu bar: http://g.recordit.co/b6GjiklyR4.gif What is more I can't do any operations (add row/remove column etc.) because of that.

Please note, there are different toolbars, depending on the context of the current element in the editor. For example, if you are editing a table cell - you will see table cell toolbar. But if you are editing some text - you will see paragraph toolbar, even if the text is inside the table cell. Before you will check it next time, please make sure you have the following settings on your local installation:

        paragraph: [ezembed, ezimage]
        tr: [ezembed, ezimage]
        td: [ezembed, ezimage]

It will add embed and image buttons to listed toolbars.

Also please note, there two different types of embeds: inline embed and regular embed. And inline embed is available in most toolbars, by default. embeds

So now you should be able to put embeds and images into the paragraph. But please note, there seems to be a separate bug: when you insert an embed or image in the paragraph in the table cell, it is added at the end of the edited field. I guess it might be fixed later?

Validation of XML

Initially, I thought there is an issue in the schema: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext/pull/56. But later it was discovered that this issue is caused by "empty width space", which was used in inline embeds. https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui/pull/1034/commits/9e8739ddb889270b506d159bf396ae259e99f02a fixes it.

@barbaragr can you please make sure that extra_buttons are updated on your local installation and that it includes https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui/pull/1034/commits/9e8739ddb889270b506d159bf396ae259e99f02a and test one more time.

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 13 '19 10:08 SerheyDolgushev

But please note, there seems to be a separate bug: when you insert an embed or image in the paragraph in the table cell, it is added at the end of the edited field. I guess it might be fixed later?

@dew326 is it something you can have a look? Maybe there is an easy fix?

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 14 '19 13:08 SerheyDolgushev

@SerheyDolgushev Sorry, in 10 minutes I have days off to the end of the week. I would start looking from here: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui/blob/master/src/bundle/Resources/public/js/alloyeditor/src/plugins/ez-add-content.js#L57

dew326 avatar Aug 14 '19 13:08 dew326

@dew326 thanks for pointing me towards the correct direction. @barbaragr please note that latest commit fixes the bug which didn't allow to insert the embed into the table cell paragraph.

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 15 '19 12:08 SerheyDolgushev

@barbaragr nested elements for the list is out of scope for this PR. So when you try to add a new element (embed/image/custom tag/etc) in the list item, it will be added after the list. Which is pretty close to the default behavior. It fixes issues 1-3 you mentioned earlier. Let's have a separate PR for nested list item elements. @SylvainGuittard

Regarding issue 4, there is an empty paragraph between two images. And you can remove it using trash button: empty_p

If everything looks correct, the only remaining issue is to fix https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-29882. Please note, the original fix was not the best way to deal with it, as in some cases it leads to invalid XML in the Richt Text field (because of zero-width spaces). @dew326 do you think there should be another fix, which doesn't modify the content of the XML?

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 23 '19 10:08 SerheyDolgushev

Yes, we should have a fix for this ticket. We cannot merge bugfix which will make a regression on another issue. Currently, I don't have an idea of how to fix this without adding a space.

dew326 avatar Aug 23 '19 11:08 dew326

@dew326 https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui/pull/1034/commits/e95e1d99f60ac2492a39bb124c41ce47f0460461 implements all your suggestions. Please have a look.

SerheyDolgushev avatar Aug 28 '19 08:08 SerheyDolgushev

Apart from https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-29882 again occurs an issue from my very first comment point 2.

Validation of XML a. Click Create and select Article b. Put a table 3x3 into Intro field c. Embed an item in every field, use this button image d. Add an image to every cell with added button: image

e. Click Publish or Save or Preview

Actual result: embedded items disappear, message is displayed: Validation of XML content failed: Error in 0:0: Element section has extra content: informaltable

@SerheyDolgushev according to:

@barbaragr nested elements for the list is out of scope for this PR. So when you try to add a new element (embed/image/custom tag/etc) in the list item, it will be added after the list. Which is pretty close to the default behavior. It fixes issues 1-3 you mentioned earlier. Let's have a separate PR for nested list item elements. @SylvainGuittard

Of course I can report it separately as follow up, but on this branch, right now, when you want to add an image in the middle of the list, it is added under the field: http://g.recordit.co/wcTT0Pz0kU.gif which is different than default behaviour - adding the image under the list.

Regarding issue 4, there is an empty paragraph between two images. And you can remove it using trash button:

I didn't ask about removing the paragraph, I'm familiar with trash button. The point is, when you add two images, there is an empty paragraph between them and it is the only way to add more images. If you remove the paragraph you can't add more images to the cell.

barbaragr avatar Aug 28 '19 14:08 barbaragr

In the latest commit embed and image buttons have been added to the table cell toolbar. Please test this PR using thttps://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/releases/tag/v2.5.9

SerheyDolgushev avatar Mar 10 '20 10:03 SerheyDolgushev

I tested this briefly. First what I tested is:

  1. Adding image to the list -> http://g.recordit.co/jzciHmG1qX.gif When I add an image, it's added below the list, not in a proper position.

And here is the result: Zrzut ekranu 2020-03-10 o 12 05 49

I didn't test the rest of the issues.

dew326 avatar Mar 10 '20 11:03 dew326

Sorry, but images inside the lists are out of scope for this PR. Can you please test how the images/embeds are functionating inside the table cells? And probably we should have a separate ticket/PR for lists?

SerheyDolgushev avatar Mar 13 '20 10:03 SerheyDolgushev

@SerheyDolgushev sorry but it was already explained why we cannot merge it like this.

Of course I can report it separately as follow up, but on this branch, right now, when you want to add an image in the middle of the list, it is added under the field: http://g.recordit.co/wcTT0Pz0kU.gif which is different than default behaviour - adding the image under the list.

Without your changes, the image is added below the list, but with your changes it's added below the whole richtext field. We cannot merge it like this.

dew326 avatar Mar 13 '20 12:03 dew326

@dew326 List item issue is fixed. So now when the image is added into the list item, it will be added after the list. We can change the UI to insert the image inside the list item. But it would require some changes in the schema. As right now schema does not let to store images inside list items. Please let me know if you will find any other issues, which prevent this PR to be merged.

SerheyDolgushev avatar Mar 17 '20 15:03 SerheyDolgushev

I guess this one should be closed in favor of https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext/pull/171. @dew326 can you please confirm it?

SerheyDolgushev avatar Dec 08 '20 14:12 SerheyDolgushev

I think the goal here was to enable this in 2.5.

As far as I know, a customer wanted this? @SylvainGuittard, @konradoboza

dew326 avatar Dec 08 '20 14:12 dew326

I can confirm that.

konradoboza avatar Dec 08 '20 14:12 konradoboza

Yes, we should have this feature on 2.5

SylvainGuittard avatar Dec 08 '20 15:12 SylvainGuittard