Daniel Weinand
Daniel Weinand
Is there any work in progress for this? Will there be a chance for the Electron team to make this possible without being added to Chromium?
Would that mean in general, staying with MVC or going down the SPA route? If SPA would be an option, any thoughts on the frontend stack? Maybe it would be...
Event the examples show this as a valid scenario https://dev.mailjet.com/email/guides/send-api-v31/#use-vars-and-custom-vars
As briefly mentioned [here](https://gitter.im/bitwarden/Lobby?at=5d0777c0faf70031f92c5eb7) I'll try to volunteer here. Will set things up locally and see where I hit roadblocks.
> Do you have any experience in working with Postgre SQL? @jeremyVignelles, yes I do. It's been a while. But we'll see.
After several attempts I was able to reach him, and payments were stopped. Even dated back. That was short after I created the ticket above. So, it was quite a...
First thing I would try is to upgrade to the latest Vagrant version. If not already happened. At least for on Vagrant 1.8.1 and Window 8.1 I have no issues.
Just hit the exact same issue. Anybody found out what the problem is?