Boni Gopalan
Boni Gopalan
I came across at two of the projects you contributed - one creating events to calendar based on Geo Location and the other custom controls on Maps. Now I have...
Enter VR Button does not recognize VR Displays with the latest webvr-polyfill release. Could you please check? @hapticdata @dmotz @HalfdanJ
Should we do anything special for the EnterVRButton config to handle on HTC Vive, Windows, Firefox? Getting 'VR Not Found'.
As we know AWS has announced [a native Keep Warm routine]( using Provisioned Concurrency - supported through console as well as config. Serverless also has added [Yaml support for this...
AWS is removing the Node 8.10 support. In connection with this @alixaxel has updated the to support Node 10. He is packaging a few required dependencies in the /bin...
It will be great if the split screen could be constructed without a DPDB entry. If we could discuss constraints may be we could at least come up with a...
Mind cutting a new version for this great library? Your latest feature additions - crop and image quality is not getting pulled when pulled via npm. This probably is because...