Desi McAdam
Desi McAdam
**2024/Q1/O4/KR1 Description:** There are various libraries across our organization that need continued maintenance work and the responsibility of this maintenance work is spread across many teams. The Shared Libraries team...
It was reported in slack that `yarn workspace @metamask/transaction-controller run test` was failing for TransactionController. Examples of the failure can be found in the following: - - Screenshot:
**2024/Q1/O1/KR1 Description:** MVP Definition, POC and Technical Proposal Define and plan MVP for MM Wallet Library. [boolean] Much of the core wallet functionality is managed by specific libraries known as...
### 2024/Q1/O4/KR1 Description: Increase automated visibility from 0% to 100% of standardization of repos across defined vectors. **MVP inclusions target:** - Node.js version - Yarn version/configuration - ESLint versions/configuration -...
Based on Github Teams Proposal we want to update codeowners to reflect the team(s) that should be consulted before a file is changed. In this case we are adding the...
These are now deprecated/archived and we need to find a replacement.
We should have a script that runs and pulls information around needed updates for all the libraries (all repos). The script should determine the following information: - [x] MetaMask/module-lint#12 -...