Chamika Deshan

Results 8 issues of Chamika Deshan

Hi I am getting this behavior when a panel is present and the keyboard is opened. Penel moves up and fits the keyboard top(below picture). How to stop this behavior?...

Hi All, Does this project stopped? Looks No activities for years. If deprecated any good alternative? Thanks Deshan

Does anyone used UIFileSharingEnabled = true in your apps? PYSearchhistories.plist automatically stored in Documents directory. Once UIFileSharingEnabled set to true this file visible in itunes file sharing options. Any thing...

Hello, I am working on a project with flutter iOS and android with rendering 2D video texture. Currently creating flutter platform views embedding to flutter and do render in native...

I did same thing with GPUImage 1. Now want to do this with GPUImage2 and faced few issues. I want to create a custom RenderView for iOS. When I do...

**Additional context** I used pods but just fyi this is the logs I got in CI pipeline ``` [12:58:32]: Resolving Swift Package Manager dependencies... [12:58:32]: $ xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -workspace XXXXXXX.xcworkspace...

This is super good work indeed. Helped me a lot. Specially with performance. But I do not think below is a good thing. -(BOOL)nextFrameInBGRCGBitmapContext:(CGContextRef*)contextRef; Because it allows only to return...

Hi, I have created an electron app and below code works as expected on mac and linux. But in windows it works only once (first time app start). From the...