Derrick Beining
Derrick Beining
FYI, I nabbed the `fp-ts` org name on a while back in order to reserve it for the `fp-ts` ecosystem should gcanti ever want to go that direction. Happy...
I agree it's not immediately obvious that `chainFirst` is the way to go for discarding computations, and it honestly feels a little out of place in a chain of do...
@RedHatter , I'm not opposed to that. Feel free to make a PR if you like. I need to add a contributing doc, but in short: please include tests and...
Perhaps additional options, like a `atomWillUpdate` and `atomDidUpdate` callbacks could be useful. ???
Came here for this very thing. Sad to see it has stalled. Are you planning to pick it up again @grsoares21 ?
Ah! Been wondering why that code action stopped being available. Can confirm, I'm seeing this too.
I second this request, that is, if it's not already implemented. Haven't been able to find much discussion or documentation on this topic anywhere.
hmm, I'd really like not to have to nest a maybe inside of `User.PKey`. Do you think that because the WriteField definition has the Maybe inside of PKey' ? I...
Okay, I tried `User.PKey (Maybe Int)` and I can get it to compile with that... but why??? And is there someway I can make `Maybe User.PKey` work?
I had attempted to go the route of defining my own custom sql type too, but struggled to figure out how to implement the classes needed to work with it....