Jannis R

Results 256 issues of Jannis R

If the CI provider of a repo is not specifically covered by this client, it would be cool to **fall back to the [GitHub Checks API](https://developer.github.com/v3/checks/) and [GitLab Jobs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/jobs.html) APIs**,...


help wanted

As the [ISC license](http://choosealicense.com/licenses/isc/), which is quite popular among [npm](https://npmjs.com/) for example. Wasn't sure wether to include the heading, as there is no heading in the original license text.

Hi! I'm working with the [VBB](http://www.vbb.de/de/index.html) public transport API, which is based on [HAFAS](http://hacon.de/hafas). I wrote a [JavaScript API client](https://github.com/derhuerst/vbb) for it. [Deutsche Bahn](http://www.bahn.de/p/view/index.shtml) uses HAFAS as well, so consider...

ffmpeg 6.1 has been released recently, but there are no prebuilt binaries yet. - [announcement](https://www.ffmpeg.org/index.html#pr6.1) - [download section](https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html#release_6.1) - [git tag](https://git.ffmpeg.org/gitweb/ffmpeg.git/tag/3cdfac27d3ea06f8719faed48b4ae2e75e94a463) ### ffmpeg - [x] Linux x64 - [x] Linux...

help wanted

`fluent-ffmpeg` uses `FFMPEG_PATH`.


## 5.1 [git tag](https://git.ffmpeg.org/gitweb/ffmpeg.git/tag/4f3c925bd5e8f253c1dbf57eb9552b92ce0b12d5) ### ffmpeg - [ ] Linux x64 - [ ] Linux x86 - [ ] Linux `arm` - [ ] Linux `arm64` - [x] macOS x64...


#35 made clear that, in a cross-platform-packaging project using `ffmpeg-static` as a dependency, **a second `npm install` should install an `ffmpeg` binary for a *different platform/arch than before***. To enable...

help wanted

`#6f4e9c` is displayed as gray in `Terminal.app` (OS X, normal color scheme), both with zsh and fish. `#ff7300` works fine.