Jannis R

Results 500 comments of Jannis R

As the readme says, this is a "low level AirPlay server", that you can use to "use to easily implement your own AirPlay functionality". You can implement an [AirPlay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AirPlay) server...

Once you implemented your (custom) AirPlay server and ran it, [you can send audio from your iPhone to it](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204289).

For ready-to-go AirPlay servers, check [shairplay](https://github.com/juhovh/shairplay) or [nodetunes](https://github.com/stephen/nodetunes).

For inspiration: https://github.com/rcmdnk/sentaku

FYI there's a ~quite~ stable API endpoint called HAFAS. There are two clients for it: [`hafas-client/p/bvg`](https://github.com/public-transport/hafas-client/tree/1ebb958b4a65128f2bf640e182d3c1333a6508fc/p/bvg) (JS) and [`public-transport-enabler`](https://github.com/schildbach/public-transport-enabler/blob/bf1eb524e4596d249473e45f00b70276f4be6309/enabler/src/de/schildbach/pte/BvgProvider.java) (Java). It would be *very* helpful to have a Python client...

> FYI there's a quite stable API endpoint called HAFAS. [...] It would be *very* helpful to have a Python client for HAFAS, and I'd happily assist with my knowledge....

Apparently the Asciinema project has changed the recording format from a single JSON blob to [ndjson](http://ndjson.org/). Any help is welcome supporting the new format!

More details: - https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema/pull/196 - https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema/blob/27b52eb99b7b36eeba82ba9781566ec0370cba06/doc/asciicast-v2.md

Also, [they use a new terminal emulator](https://blog.asciinema.org/post/smaller-faster/). Maybe we can use it too?