Jannis R

Results 256 issues of Jannis R

### Environment * PostgreSQL version: `postgis/postgis:15-3.4-alpine` (`sha256:ba5fac2a768e0efcec046975ce23bc1a08299e8a32b07604adba62abc069f72f`) * PostgREST version: `postgrest/postgrest` (`sha256:57edafa6ca95a7fc50eed8c5e4b982cf35d466475345482f7727adbf0ebcf8b3`) * Operating system: Docker Desktop v4.26 (Engine v24.0.7) on macOS v13.6.1 ### Description of issue (See below for...


### **If you are new to the specification, please introduce yourself (name and organization/link to GBFS). It’s helpful to know who we're chatting with!** Hey, I'm Jannis, mostly active in...


I'm using `[email protected]`. ```js const headerAliased = {alias: {H: 'header'}} mri(['-H', 'one', '--header=two']) // as expected: { _: [], H: 'one', header: 'two' } mri(['-H', 'one', '--header', 'two']) // as...

### Describe the problem When using the GTFS-Validator with the 2023-05-22 DELFI GTFS feed ([stable URL to the latest feed](https://data.public-transport.earth/gtfs/de)), it yields the following result: ``` SEVERE: ----------------------------------------- | !!!...

status: Needs discussion
parsing errors

On an ARM64 system, I would like to use native Docker images in order not to run an emulation layer. This PR extends the Docker build & publishing CI workflow...

Travis CI is probably not in use anymore, right?

Even though the binaries work great as a low-effort way to run `gtfstidy` on some GTFS feeds, in some environments (e.g. CIs) using Docker is more straightforward. still missing: -...

This PR tries to make `localtunnel` more usable when it is used programmatically. The current nr of retries of `20` is customisable via `opt.initRetryOpts.retries`.

This follows #3. I'm new to Go, so there might be problems with my code. 🙈 I want to use `goxsd` to generate a parser from the huge XSD tree...