Jannis R

Results 500 comments of Jannis R

By introducing save-exact, you actively take part in not honoring semver. It will never be as widely accepted as it could be if popular projects like _ied_ set "non-semver" to...

@rauchg But still, would configuring _ied_ to save without `^` be a problem to someone like you?

I had the same problem with [_velo_, my minimalistic 2D canvas library](https://github.com/derhuerst/velo). I wanted to keep the footprint very small but introduce some flexibility for developers to use third-party "modules"....

Things rather unrelated to the core like #8 could be done like this. In fact, in [_velo_](https://github.com/derhuerst/velo), I added a few [things that are in the main repo, but not...

> So in my opinion isn't it better if we keep just the API that simple so everyone can use. And choose there own renderer like webgl / canvas /...

If you decide to support WebGL and don't want to write all the GLSL stuff by yourself but Three.js is (way) too heavy, then some other lightweight alternatives might be...

@jbovenschen sounds great!

I'd be happy to submit a PR with this!

> Would that still be es5 compatible? Nope, [`Symbol.iterator` is ES2015/ES6](http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/#test-well-known_symbols_Symbol.iterator,_existence_a_href=_https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol/iterator_title=_MDN_documentation_img_src=_../mdn.png_alt=_MDN_(Mozilla_Development_Network)_logo_width=_15_height=_13_/_/a_nbsp;), so not supported in IE11. But I think you can implement it in a backwards-compatible way: ```js if (Symbol...