Derek Ming Siang Tan
Derek Ming Siang Tan
Hello @spuetz, Hope all is well. I wonder if there are any updates to the new layer plugin which adjusting the vector field around dynamic obstacles? Looking forward to it!
Hi @hanlinniu, I'm very interested in your work on `Voronoi-Based Multi-Robot Autonomous Exploration in Unknown Environments via Deep Reinforcement Learning`. Looking forward to seeing it soon. Thanks!
Hi, could we please have these changes in ROS Melodic as well? It will be really helpful, thanks.
Hi @acl21, Thanks for your reply! I managed to rerun the experiments from the `main` branch, using the default config file [as shown here]( However, just as with the `dev`...
Hi @matlabbe, The second figure is taken from the internet as an example, but I have tried cartographer in the past to get a clean map like this earlier on....
Hi @matlabbe, Here are the database files you have requested for. This folder contains 2 db files where `Grid/3D=True` and `Grid/3D=False`. As you will see, there are white cells beyond...
Hi Mathieu, Thanks for the feedback! Any suggestions on how I can reduce this overshoot? Is increasing the angle resolution a good idea (i.e. lower magnitude)? It seems like the...
Hi Mathieu, I tried stopping ray tracing of free space 1 cell before the actual obstacle, at the proposed code location [here]( However, I realized this technique only works on...