Derek Bassett
Derek Bassett
@vtolstov Can you please provide a PR on how we might allow this?
@roblabla I'm looking at the work you've done on your fork. Are you thinking of continuing this work?
Why couldn't you add your validation into a custom render.Bind method and then call the default render.Bind method?
At a minimum documenting this "feature/requirement" would be a good. I spent 4 hours while upgrading from Katharsis 2.3 to Katharsis 2.8 trying to figure out why none of my...
Is this planned to be fixed in the next release? The problem appears to be on line 404 of bs-core.max.js.
Would it be possible in this case to detect an io.ReadSeeker? That way you could seek back to the beginning and read again?
Would one of the committers please comment on this also would it be possible to include an upgrade guide.