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Documentation generator for Deno

Results 73 deno_doc issues
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No typescript type inference??[email protected]/NS-Record.ts[email protected]/mod.ts/~/NSRecord input ```ts export type NSRecord = typeof ns_record; const ns_record = { "id": "372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59", "type": "NS" as const, "name": "", "content": "", "proxiable":...


Hi there, I wasn't sure where to post this feature request after checking bunch of places, so I'm posting here hope its not the wrong location :sweat_smile: As a user...


The following does not appear to be supported currently :— ```js export const { /** Some thing. */ someThing, /** Some other thing. */ someOtherThing, } = (() => {...


## Example[email protected]/protocol/reply.ts contains the following definition: ```typescript export const replyTypes = { Integer: "integer", SimpleString: "simple string", Array: "array", BulkString: "bulk string", } as const; ``` `deno doc` generates...


As of right now, `deno doc` does not respect extensions. This means ``` export class B { public id: number; } ``` ``` export class A extends B { public...


Types defined with `@typedef` are not displayed in console output under `deno doc` with the following deno version: ```sh $ deno --version deno 1.13.2 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin) v8 9.3.345.11 typescript 4.3.5...


It seems the line and column on `Location` is display oriented. There are two issues though: 1. We're using a tab indent width of 4. Shouldn't it be 2 since...


`Deno doc` is not including jsDoc in it's output for declared functions. This is most obvious with the lack of any jsdoc showing for the functions at the top of...


Sometimes, a module exports the same thing as both a named and default export, e.g in `Foo.js`: ```js export class Foo {} export default Foo; ``` Run `deno doc --json...


Ref #111 @lucacasonato and I had a conversation and I did some thinking on this particular problem. Currently the output does not resolve the symbol for a type reference, and...