
Results 20 issues of Dmitri

Hi. Am I understanding correct that this module will not work if I use [ng-annotate]( for DI annotations? Thanks.

Hi. I currently start the connect server from `protractor` task like this: ``` js gulp.task('connect', function() { gulp.src('.') .pipe(webserver({ port: 9001 })); }); gulp.task('protractor', ['connect'], function() { gulp.src(paths.e2e) .pipe((protractor({ configFile:...

Currently, I have this task to reload webserver when `.build/index.html` file is changed (see below). The problem is that the server is also reloaded when this file is deleted. Is...

Is it currently possible to distribute resource files across multiple folders instead of placing them all under one folder off of the root path (e.g. `languages/`)? We are using component...

Hi. I've just come across this project and it is exactly what we need. However, I've noticed there haven't been any updates for a while now. Could you guys please...

Following installation instruction and running: ```sh docker run \ --rm -it \ -v ~:/root \ kriskbx/gitlab-time-tracker \ --help ``` Produces the following error MacOs 10.15.3: ``` Unable to find image...

Can you guys please share your future plans/vision for this project? Are you planning on maintaining it 🤞, is it abandoned at this point, etc? This is a great value...

help wanted

Similar to "this_month", please add "last_month" shortcut. It's often used to invoice for last month work. My understanding it would go into data shortcuts section: ```js if (program.last_month) config...

Can you please clarify what should be the naming convention for classes, service, interfaces in each lib? Shall they use "ScopeType..." prefix or not? I am seeing different variants being...

When I click on the demo link in readme, I just see a blank page. Using iPad Air with iOS 8.3.