
Results 35 comments of Dmitri

Would be nice if what's shown in the demos was actually backed up by the framework code.

You can use [gulp-exit]( plugin for that.

Can't get any workarounds to work with NG7/NgRx. The tests simply time out.

@jbertoglio Thank you for sharing your experience. Some really good points. I think you are right. I can distribute `i18n/` folders with resources all over the app and then simply...

@jbertoglio Thank you so much for sharing this. Really helpful to see how you guys do it.

+1. Just found a bug that would've shown up a long time ago if tests were randomized. Similar to how RSpec supports it.

Have you tried `mocha --exit`?

> @demisx @joeharrison714 how do you suppose, we can go about it? Unfortunately, I have neither skills, nor time to participate in this project. I guess I'd be hoping it's...

Is my understanding correct that there is no proxy support in "scrapy-selenium" and each request will expose the real IP?