Chris Swithinbank

Results 223 comments of Chris Swithinbank

Tagging in @tony-sull for an opinion here so we can discuss what kind of docs this might need.

Sounds like this is a non-docs issue then, so hope it’s OK if I close this here for now with the intention that it gets resolved upstream.

Awesome, thanks @zadeviggers!

As a quick answer, Astro has out-of-the-box support for importing `.json`, so you can generally do: ```astro --- // src/pages/index.astro import stats from '../stats.json'; --- { => The stat is...

Update here: we’ve recently updated [our imports page]( to hopefully make this use case easier and are also hoping to add a YAML example there soon as part of

Hi @kecrily! Seems like there’s still some work needed here and as there hasn’t been any recent activity, I’m going to close this PR. Please reopen or open a new...

Couple notes from our triage call: 1. We should maybe update [the Typescript page]( to more strongly recommend using `env.d.ts` instead of the `types` array in `tsconfig.json`. 2. In the...

Thanks again for the translation @mottox2 🙌

That is a fair point Sarah — I guess the examples would also be more succinct and focused without the `Props` interfaces.