Chris Swithinbank

Results 223 comments of Chris Swithinbank

Hi @daymxn! Would you be able to provide a link to your code reproduction so we can debug this? Looks like you're reproduction link is just the default docs starter.

Spent some time investigating what we can do here today. ## Looking for a quick fix? Add `/@astro-community/` or a similar RegExp pattern to `vite.ssr.noExternal` in your Astro config file...

Hi @taoeffect β€” that's a sightly different issue concerning MDX support. Haven't done any work on `astro-embed` since Astro launched its MDX integration so the embed integration is still only...

That integration was built for a previous version of Astro that supported components in `.md` files, so that's why it's not working for you. Either way, feel free to open...

This looks like a duplicate of which was fixed! Could you try updating to `astro@^1.0.0-rc.3`? Looks like the original reproduction is working with the latest version:

This just came up on docs triage β€” may be something we want to revisit? Tagging @bholmesdev as he had some good use cases where you’d want to pass custom...

Hi @austin-meadows! `import.meta.env` is not available yet in `astro.config.ts` β€” it is only created _after_ your config has been loaded. (We should probably add a note to this effect to...

Thanks @crutchcorn! I can confirm that setting `compat: false` resolves the issue. Here’s a Stackblitz link for anyone who wants to spin up the reproduction quickly:,astro.config.mjs I don’t fully...

Thanks for this @laptou! I'm going to mark it as a draft so we don't accidentally merge it before the PR to Astro is discussed.