This is a blast from the past! Thanks for getting to the bottom of this one Alan. Now I need to hunt out the source for my application.
This issue has come up before. This solution works for me. Try editing ~/.kodi/addons/screensaver.kaster/resources/lib/ From line 70 edit it like this. ``` #req = requests.head(url=self.images[rand_index]["url"]) req = requests.head(url=self.images[rand_index]["url"], timeout=2) if...
Ok I think I have found the problem. There seems to be an issue with Pybluez release 0.23 causing the error. Pybluez-0.22 is Ok I now have emonhub and SMASolarInterface...
I have run into the same issue. My 50A 75mV shunt did not read any current higher than 27A. I finally realised the issue was the 40.97mV range set on...
I have it working now for my 50A 75mV shunt. The attached patch should work for any type of shunt. For 50mV shunts it sets the ADCRANGE to 40.96mV and...
Sure. I have applied it to my fork of Stuart's repository at []( You can download a Zip file of the entire code there and compile it in the same...