Carl Fletcher
Carl Fletcher
Maybe. I considered that approach but felt it would be unpredictable and a bit fiddly, if you do want to do a global search from a tag filter, then you...
Those other things need to be submitted as different issues if you want them doing. I agree that searching within the tag is a reasonable change to make.
TextView need `android:ellipsis="end"` or `android:ellipsis="middle` adding
Also #80 for the view/edit
Probably also the ability to share from the list, and multiselection for delete
Not to hard, main issue is where and how to surface the functionality. Happy to put it in the settings screen, disadvantage is it's awkward to change often. The other...
I'm not sure I understnad, if you enter no text then a new note shouldn't be created. Are you saying it is? Could you put steps to reproduce please?
Hm... This is actually tricky. By then the note has been saved, as it saves every few millis after each edit. So we would have to delete it from the...
We save automatically when you enter text, so if you enter then delete the text, while there was text it's already saved and synced to server
Don't assume there's a problem unless you can demonstrate the problem. A failed sync has no effect, it just remains unsynced on disk. Too much syncing is what #58 is...