Hi, if a job returns code 11, it should be scheduled again, but isn't (in my setup). A simple script to test this is: # !/bin/bash bit=$(bc /tmp/logfile date >>...
this is a feature request: The format of the error log cannot easily be configured. Is it possible to obfuscate ip addresses in the error log within the scope of...
just a minor typo in a commented option in `etc/`
The test suite (`runhaskell Setup test`) fails on archlinux32: ``` Running 2 test suites... Test suite doctests: RUNNING... ### Failure in /build/haskell-servant-swagger/src/servant-swagger-1.1.4/src/Servant/Swagger.hs:100: expression `BSL8.putStrLn $ encode $ toSwagger (Proxy ::...
We had an error that looked like being caused by a race condition: * The vote of one participant A was displayed as "3" for two participants and as "5"...