Dean Vaessen
Dean Vaessen
As per the discussion in Discord[1], it would be nice to have a failsafe in the same way we have a max render octree chunks count limit to prevent issues....
Adding a comment that this would indeed be really nice to have, something I've tried achieving in the past but failed to.
Have noticed this problem visible in the attached video quite visibly in my map as well, would be a great improvement to be able to smooth it out.
Adding a comment that I likewise find this'd an exciting addition to the foliage system.
Bumping this ticket. I'm likewise impacted by the absence of this option, which disables quite a few of my systems.
> did you use this plugin to import a gltf file when the crash happened? I think you also have to disable the Interchange plugin if you want to use...
Seconded, would be super useful if you could share it @flamelstone