Hi ietoolkit team, @kbjarkefur, @luizaandrade I find the iebaltab t-test column confusing when fixed effects are used. Currently, the mean difference is displayed, and this is what you may expect...
As a feature request, I would like to suggest checks concerning (un)systematic attrition. See Barrera-Osorio & Filmer (2016: Table 2), for an example. Barrera-Osorio, F., & Filmer, D. (2016). Incentivizing...
Hi @matthew-white [Here]( is a very simple MWE of a form whose group(s) break odkmeta, throwing the following error in Stata: > . \* begin group intro > . >...
[Quarto]( has become the go-to framework for creating static sites in R. Could you add Quarto as one of your [framework samples]( [Here]( is a repo to related GitHub actions....