I've added carbon-aggregator program to supervisord.conf file
Today I hit an issue with a script for Ansible `2.3.0` that failed with Ansible `2.4.0`. The image I used is `williamyeh/ansible:debian8`. This image has been recently updated to `2.4.0`...
Use this [cachemanager](https://github.com/adobe-apiplatform/api-gateway-cachemanager) module and configure a 2-layered cache in the Gateway: 1. layer 1 : local cache in lua VM using [lua_shared_dict](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#lua_shared_dict) 2. layer 2: Redis cache The README...
Jul 20 2015 Tsung 1.6.0 is available. Web dashboard added.
When running the Docker containers in Mesos we can't always make the assumption that Mesos Slaves would open port 21. We could export an environment variable called `ERL_SSH_PORT` and have...