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Upgrade to Tsung 1.6.0
Jul 20 2015 Tsung 1.6.0 is available. Web dashboard added.
Hi, I was following "single mode" instructions from https://hub.docker.com/r/ddragosd/tsung-docker/ and ran into a problem:
Usage: tsung <options> start|stop|debug|status
-f <file> set configuration file (default is ~/.tsung/tsung.xml)
(use - for standard input)
-l <logdir> set log directory where YYYYMMDD-HHMM dirs are created (default is ~/.tsung/log/)
-i <id> set controller id (default is empty)
-r <command> set remote connector (default is ssh)
-s enable erlang smp on client nodes
-p <max> set maximum erlang processes per vm (default is 250000)
-m <file> write monitoring output on this file (default is tsung.log)
(use - for standard output)
-F use long names (FQDN) for erlang nodes
-w warmup delay (default is 1 sec)
-v print
It seems that 1.6 is not installed on the current latest. I guess this is a work in progress and should follow the github project README instead of https://hub.docker.com/r/ddragosd/tsung-docker/
Thanks for sharing 😸 anyway.