@acaliaro I don't have a sample that I can readily share as I went pretty deep in my integration that is tied to my code. I can copy and paste...
Not sure why the code disappeared. ``` ```
Hey, thanks for the response. I read through the linked issue and saw that someone mentioned that setting height and width request to Fill or FillAndExpand also helped. I tried...
I've never actually submitted a PR to github. When you say this, do you want me to make a sample project showing the error and submit that or take your...
So as mentioned I never summitted a PR so I'm running into a bit of an issue. I have cloned the code using visual studio 2019's clone GitHub feature. I...
Forking it did the trick. I was able to create a pull request and have explained what to do with the buttons in the pull request. #74 Let me know...
I'm also having this issue. When using the visual states from the xamarin blog being pressed and normal, if I clicked and hold the mouse on the button it will...
I too am also experiencing this issue.