Drew Baugher

Results 37 comments of Drew Baugher

https://discuss.opendistrocommunity.dev/t/grouping-aggregation-does-not-work-when-using-visual-graph/1104 OVER was limited to just ALL DOCUMENTS for initial release as we wanted to scope out the feature better and provide a better experience than current solutions. We can...

Will move this to kibana-alerting repository since we can still make the UI info popout more informative :)

@elfisher That would be nice :), but was just suggesting we add the documentation that Andrew mentioned into the UI in that popout window.

Hi Jon, Did this help text not show up for you?

Hi Jon, In this case, typing and hitting esc is an error since you did not actually select (or create) an option and this is field requires at least one...

Yes, that is true for Kibana's "Management" page because it only allows you to select one index. This UX for Alerting allows you to select multiple indices which means we...

Hi @kklemen, I tested a monitor and was able to receive an alert when using min aggregation and negative numbers. Can you post the JSON of your monitor (from the...

Seems to be a visual bug, the underlying trigger is still 1. I know there were some changes to the trigger JSON a while ago, perhaps that broke the cached...

Some notes around this problem: We are using [react-vis](https://github.com/uber/react-vis) since Kibana has this as a dependency. There is a related open issue [here](https://github.com/uber/react-vis/issues/671). Currently the library itself is dynamically figuring...

Hi @srilumpa, Not broken per se, but since it's a private repository it can only be accessed from PRs from a branch in the repo since it needs to use...