David Jackson

Results 6 comments of David Jackson

@AlonMiz, curious if you've improved your load performance in the interim -- we've got a project on a similar scale facing the same sorts of issues. Would love to compare...

> > @AlonMiz, curious if you've improved your load performance in the interim -- we've got a project on a similar scale facing the same sorts of issues. Would love...

This would be a really nice improvement if we could get it -- maybe some explicit concept in the `devcontainer.json` spec that doesn't use Docker syntax directly, e.g. ```json {...

> or perhaps if we pull on the client side if the image isn't already available locally first, the inner docker would be able to access it (assuming it doesn't...

@morlay it could -- I'm not sure of the merits/appropriateness of using umd as the main entrypoint? I did this with `"browser"` because I found other projects doing it, and...

I've had the same problem. When I try the same request in Postman, it works -- as long as I send the authentication information in headers. If I send it...