
Results 9 issues of davidschlegel

Currently, Brent's method and GoldenSection only support a maximum number of iteration as a finite stopping criterium. Currently, the signature of both these methods are: ```julia function optimize( f, x_lower::T,...

In some cases, using a preconditioner results in NaNs in the bicgstabl function. Tested with ilu preconditioner and DiagonalPreconditioner. Here is an example: ```julia using SparseArrays using IncompleteLU using IterativeSolvers...

Although the conjugate gradient method cg does succesfully implement Cuda compatibility, bicgstabl does not. I think it would be fairly simple to add this functionality. Currently, using Cuda Arrays in...

This is a feature request. I was wondering if one could somehow switch the behavior for printing expressions of type `Complex{Num}` to behave just like the ordinary `Num`. This would...

If I have an `ArrayPartition` involving a primitive type, such as a regular number, creating a similar through `similar` array fails. Example: ```julia using RecursiveArrayTools a = randn() b =...

Currently, `iszero(x)` of a `SymbolicUtils.Sym` `x` is equal to `x==0`. This however does not give a boolean, but rather defines an equation. For this type, would it be more adequate...

Hello, apparently, the command-line options for inkscape have changed so that pdfinvert.rb no longer works. Can you verify this? One could try to do it with `inkscape --export-type= --export-filename= `...

If I want to have a multi-dimensional sparse array. I could define ``` using Symbolics using SparseArrayKit @variables a A = SparseArray{Num}(undef, (1,2,3)) #3dimesional array with size 1, 2, and...

To work with symbolic numbers.