Hello Mahmoud 1) yes. generic-model is desing for that even if it has not been fully tested 2) no it support Power Law, LogParabola and Power law with cut off....
no problem. you can also developpe it in enrico :-)
To get the data, I use enrico_download which download the weekly file and I think this is quite useful. 2013/9/13 Jeremy Perkins [email protected] > The data server won't change when...
yes I will
The verbose option allow fluxes,TS of all the sources to be computed which is time consuming. This might event be the slowest part when the fits files have been generated....
Hi it seems that the LC point 13 failed. did you check the corresponding log file? cheers david
looking at the output the code is trying to open the .results file and can't find it IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/Comp_2/LightCurve_14bins//source_PowerLaw_444569076_460339203_2240_300000_NS_LC_13.results' did you check on...
Hi after several test, I want not able to reproduce this problem did you ran the SED first?
Hi thanks for using enrico. The only clusters supported yet are the CCIN2P3 at lyon (France), LAPP (france) and MPIK (Germany) you can add yours by changing the script in...