David Pelayo

Results 28 comments of David Pelayo

That's right. But I was curious on why and how the migration guide says it could be done using the `ScrollbarPlugin` while having no example of it anywhere. Wouldn't it...

At the time of this writing, I'm manually fixing it by reseting the styles with the proper selectors. However, it would be nice to have this considered within the library...

@jpollard-cs if you focus on the user interaction with a touch device, it's almost a natural movement to start swiping a bit and getting quickly to the "next" slide (section...

I think this is a must have and looking forward to see how to plug-in into my griddle table. Anyone with some working example? [Related?](https://github.com/GriddleGriddle/griddle-docs/issues/6)

I've added by the way [a modification](https://github.com/davidpelayo/Griddle/commit/a0c91fc8945500413065fd45cb82d591b66aed0b) in my forked repo in a way I can provide to a custom `` component an object to the `setFilter` action hook, being...

Related to [#177](https://github.com/GriddleGriddle/Griddle/pull/177). Related to [#66](https://github.com/GriddleGriddle/Griddle/issues/66).

Any idea of when this will be triaged?

@maissani, @Masadow, like in other open source communities, I think we need to report the issues giving working in examples (plunkr or similars) so we can compare, test, run and...

@maissani I've added [ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md](https://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps/blob/master/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md) so there explains how to report a potential bug better. Please provide detailed info, as per the ISSUE_TEMPLATE, including jsbins/plunkr/jsfiddle in order to help you better....